25 years old, -12 kg in 4 months


Olena joined SHAPE CODE SYSTEM to lose weight, build muscle mass and improve appearance. Her adventure began when she weighed 84 kg. She had problems with self-acceptance, self-confidence and health. She exercised and counted calories, but the lack of results forced her to change her plan.

She changed her trainer who recommended the DUOFIT 10 program. In 10 days she lost 3 kg, although she looked as if she had lost much more. After completing DUOFIT 10, the coach suggested SHAPE CODE SYSTEM, which was an obvious choice for Olena.

Effects? Reduction of body fat, feeling of lightness, better fitness, and change of habits . Healthy eating became a normal and tasty choice for her, rather than a scary diet. She realized that she was not addicted to sweets – it was a mental block . . Zdrowe odżywianie stało się dla niej normalnym i smacznym wyborem, a nie przerażającą dietą. Zrozumiała, że nie jest uzależniona od słodyczy – to była blokada mentalna.

From the end of March to the end of July Olena lost 12 kg. He sees an increase in muscle mass, improved fitness, and a greater sense of well-being. SHAPE CODE SYSTEM helped her build healthy habits that are now part of her life.
Olena claims that the success of the program is due to the balanced combination of sport, nutrition and supplementation. I can’t imagine a better breakfast than Slim Shake, and ProSlimer® always has with him.

Now it’s your turn!

Write your story with us, regain your life and become a living inspiration to others. Don’t let another day pass without any change. Join those who have already changed their lives with SHAPE CODE SYSTEM Let's get started!

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A photo gallery of transformations. From doubt to triumph.

Their stories may become your inspiration. Each body is a story of the strength of character.

44 years old, -8 kg of body fat
42 years old, -8 kg of body fat