35 years old, -2.4% body fat, +1.3 kg of lean muscle mass in 2.5 months


Sebastian joined SHAPE CODE SYSTEM to build muscle mass, increase energy and improve overall health. Before the program, while working from home, his physical activity was negligible and his fitness was getting weaker. Despite my low weight, a belly began to appear and my figure looked worse and worse. He realized that the longer he waited, the more difficult it would be to get back into shape.

Thanks to SHAPE CODE SYSTEM his life changed. The biggest change he noticed was overall improved energy throughout the day. He used to struggle with afternoon energy slumps, now feels full of energy all day long. The silhouette began to take shape and the abdominal muscles became more visible.

Within 2.5 months he burned 2.4% fat and built 1.3 kg of lean muscle mass, which increased his strength. The biggest surprise for Sebastian was the discovery that you can still eat your favorite foods, you just have to change the way you prepare them. He realized that you don’t have to spend hours in the gym to build muscle – you just need proper training and exercises to bring results.

Supplementation was the perfect support for him, helping with regeneration and before training. His favorite products were the Day and Night Set, which supported regeneration and improved sleep, and Fizzy Easy Energy, which added energy before training.
Sebastian emphasizes that the first step is the hardest. But the support of the program and the habits you learn will change the way you approach nutrition and exercise. As he says: “You won’t even realize how quickly you’ll no longer be wondering what to cook or go to the gym – you’ll just do it . “

Now it’s your turn!

Write your story with us, regain your life and become a living inspiration to others. Don’t let another day pass without any change. Join those who have already changed their lives with SHAPE CODE SYSTEM Let's get started!

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A photo gallery of transformations. From doubt to triumph.

Their stories may become your inspiration. Each body is a story of the strength of character.

49 years old -15 kg of body fat
39 years old + 3kg of muscle mass