30 years old, Fat tissue reduction up to 20.5%


Paweł joined SHAPE CODE SYSTEM with a clearly defined goal: build muscle mass, improve health, increase energy and vitality, and get rid of excess fat to look better.

Although he had always been an active person – he played soccer and tennis – his figure was hidden under a layer of fat. After moving to Spain, Paul decided he wanted to “look good on the beach” and feel more confident. As he says: “I have a one-year-old daughter and I wanted her to be more than just a good-looking girl in the beach photos.”

Thanks to SHAPE CODE SYSTEM he noticed significant changes. A high-protein diet reduced his appetite for sweets, and his figure began to take shape noticeably. Instead of fat on the chest, muscles appeared, the sides decreased, and lateral muscle lines appeared on the belly. The arms became more muscular and rounded. Paweł went from size M to S, which translated into an increase in life energy and libido.

His weight dropped from 84 kg to 80.5 kg and his body fat level decreased from 23.8% to 20.5%. Moreover, the load during strength training has increased by 20% since the beginning of the program.

Paweł learned to regularly count calories and carefully choose products, controlling macronutrients. He walks 10-15 km every day , which has become part of his routine, both in the field and on the treadmill.

Paul emphasizes that If you are considering joining SHAPE CODE SYSTEM, don’t delay – it’s a favor you are doing for your health.

Now it’s your turn!

Write your story with us, regain your life and become a living inspiration to others. Don’t let another day pass without any change. Join those who have already changed their lives with SHAPE CODE SYSTEM Let's get started!

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A photo gallery of transformations. From doubt to triumph.

Their stories may become your inspiration. Each body is a story of the strength of character.

49 years old -15 kg of body fat
39 years old + 3kg of muscle mass