45 years old, -7 kg of fat mass in 3 months


Magdalena joined SHAPE CODE SYSTEM to lose weight, build muscle mass and generally improve her appearance. The SHAPE CODE SYSTEM program turned out to be a real revolution for her in her approach to health and appearance.

Before joining the program, she tried to lead a relatively healthy lifestyle – she exercised regularly, watched her diet and took care of her appearance. Despite these efforts, she was still not satisfied with her weight or the appearance of her figure, which unfortunately affected her well-being.

During the program, her figure underwent a huge metamorphosis – most importantly, she lost 7 kg of fat mass and began to notice clearly defined muscles. Her well-being also improved significantly. The program not only helped her achieve her dream figure, but also improved her health and self-confidence.

DUOLIFE supplementation played a key role in the transformation. DUOLIFE supplements significantly helped in effective weight loss. The products that turned out to be the most important for her include ProStik® , DUOLIFE Protein Shake and DUOLIFE Chlorofil.

Magdalena intends to continue with the program as it has become an integral part of her everyday life.
The results achieved and improved well-being confirmed her belief that this approach to health and fitness is the best.

Now it’s your turn!

Write your story with us, regain your life and become a living inspiration to others. Don’t let another day pass without any change. Join those who have already changed their lives with SHAPE CODE SYSTEM Let's get started!

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A photo gallery of transformations. From doubt to triumph.

Their stories may become your inspiration. Each body is a story of the strength of character.

44 years old, -8 kg of body fat
42 years old, -8 kg of body fat