48 years old, -7.5 kg in 3 months


Piotr joined SHAPE CODE SYSTEM to lose weight, build muscle mass, increase energy and vitality, and generally improve appearance.

Before starting the program, he had been struggling with excess weight for a dozen or so years and had tried various diets, which always ended the same way – he would return to his old habits and the effects were short-lived. He decided to join SHAPE CODE SYSTEM because he liked the comprehensive action plan, which included ready-made formulas for nutrient needs and systematic strength training.

For the first time in his life he saw his muscles clearly defined – and this was at the beginning of his journey. My well-being has also changed dramatically. Previously, even though he exercised, he often lacked strength and was very tired. Now he has more energy, feels better and is more motivated to continue working on himself.

During the programme he managed to achieve concrete and satisfactory results. He lost 7.5 kg, which significantly improved his figure, at the same time motivating him to continue working, which gives him great satisfaction.

As he admits, DUOLIFE supplementation played a key role in his transformation, supporting him at every stage of the process. DUOLIFE Protein Shake was invaluable, providing the essential proteins needed to build muscle mass and thus supporting the effects of training. I used DUOLIFE Chlorofil before training, thanks to which the active ingredients contained in it helped to maintain energy and support performance during intense sessions. ProStik® active ingredients support the health of bones and joints and help defend the body against harmful external factors.

Piotr claims that what he has achieved so far has exceeded his expectations and inspired him to continue working on himself. The program has become an integral part of his daily routine, and the changes he has noticed motivate him to maintain healthy habits for longer.

Now it’s your turn!

Write your story with us, regain your life and become a living inspiration to others. Don’t let another day pass without any change. Join those who have already changed their lives with SHAPE CODE SYSTEM Let's get started!

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A photo gallery of transformations. From doubt to triumph.

Their stories may become your inspiration. Each body is a story of the strength of character.

49 years old -15 kg of body fat
39 years old + 3kg of muscle mass